Monday 11 December 2023

Dream Again

It's been raining here a lot and the dam has overflowed, blocking off the track the 2 horses have made which gives them easy access to our side, as well as to Flint's feeding area. This means that to get to our side, the horses have to go around the back of the dam which is a bit longer but only takes a minute or two if they go fast. Yesterday, I stood at this side of the water and called Flint to come over.

Flint looked at the water and looked at me. He took a tentative step forward and looked around again. He could hear me calling him, encouraging him to come over and get his food but he stayed put. The birds sang, Milly (our lab) swam in the water but still he did not come.

As I stood there watching, calling and waiting I thought about how true that is of us. We know we want to get to the dream/reward but we get distracted by the obstacle that looms in front of us. The water in front of Flint is not deep and he has gone along that track many times before. He put his nose in the water, took a couple steps in, had a drink, then stepped back again. 

Jasper, the other horse went over to him. He gave Flint a little bit of grooming, then Flint moved further away up the hill. Sometimes our friends can be like that. They can be well-intentioned and even encouraging, but might remind us that the obstacle might be too hard to overcome or that it's safer to stay here. After all, who knows what is lurking between us and our goal. Perhaps they add to our doubts: Are you strong enough? Are you sure you're ready?  It's a great idea but.. What about your 'responsibilities'?

As I stood patiently waiting, calling him to come, encouraging him that he could do it, I realised that what he needed was someone to walk alongside him. He needed someone who could listen and empathise, who could see the obstacles confronting him but who could remind and support him and walk through it with him to help him reach his goal.

Perhaps you've been through a lot and you're ready to move through that stretch of water to start dreaming and hoping again. You look around and are distracted and your well-meaning friends aren't sure how to help you. One of the things I have found when going through a hard time is that I don't want to burden my friends but I need to talk to someone. I need to process my thoughts and I want to have goals and make them happen.

If you want someone like that, please know that I want to empower women to rediscover their hopes and dreams and move forward with purpose. I encourage you to find me on Facebook, join our Life Trail Conversations group (for women only) and even set up a one-on-one coaching session with me in 2024.

You can find hope again and it's OK to dream and make plans. So the end of the story is - my husband went around the long way and Flint followed him back rather than take the short cut through the water. 

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