Friday 29 September 2023

Gentle Flint

 Today we had friends coming over for the afternoon and in the past, their 2 young boys had expressed an interest in horses. They're building a house on a property where ponies are living the life and recently their youngest son served up delicious apples to the well-fed ponies before going to toast marshmallows on their small fire.

I wondered how the horses would go as I hadn't seen them around small children. I grabbed Flint's halter and lead rope and led the entourage past the dam, over the hill of dry grass and into the shade of native trees and scrub. I eye out for snakes sunbaking in the gorgeous sunshine as I heard the crunching of the grass underfoot. 

The horses were in the hidden part of their paddock but when Flint heard me call, he ventured half way up the hill and watched us approaching. I walked down to him, gave him a pat and walked back to where the others were waiting. Flint followed and Jasper, thinking there might be treats in pockets, came close behind.

Flint stood still while hands stroked his neck and side. He lowered his head so the.youngest one could reach and the blokes stood talking and patting. Jasper let himself be patted and when he figured out there were no treats, he left Flint to enjoy the attention.

The horses followed us back to the gate and Flint hung his head over so the patting could continue. We went and made up his feed and he watched carefully, reaching for a succulent plant to munch on. The food was tipped.into his dish and he licked the bowl clean.

As our friends got ready to go, the youngest son ran to Flint.who was standing at the gate. Flint lowered his head and the boy said, "I love you. I don't want to go. I will miss you."

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