Sunday 24 September 2023

Building the Bond

 We've moved to a new place and have Flint with us, as well as a friend's horse, Jasper. Jasper and Flint love the new place and are so relaxed. We've started bringing in hay for them and they discovered, with their hooves, where the opening is underneath. 

Anyway,  as my friend won't be able to ride with me for a few weeks, I wondered what I should do about it. The hoof trimmer was out on Monday and she remarked about how far Flint and I have come in 6 months. She suggested that while my friend is away, I continue to work with Flint. When I expressed concern about separation anxiety between the horses, she said to practise going down the (long) driveway and increasing the distance each time etc.

I started today. As we left the paddock, Jasper called out to him over the gate and although Flint heard him, he was focused on me. The 2 little yappy dogs came running out and he ignored them. The agisted horses on the other side called out to ask him where he was going, but he kept walking alongside me and didn't bother to reply.

We went down the stony hill/ driveway and he mostly kept his space alongside me. A couple times, he came too close and I turned him around and he resumed walking properly beside me. At the bottom of the hill, I let him have some juicy, green grass as a reward.

He would have stayed and feasted longer, despite the horses calling him back, but I didn't want to push him too far. On our way back, 2 cars were coming towards us and I moved him to the side of the driveway, facing them and he stood still. The noisier car stopped and waited and we returned to the gate, where Jasper was hanging over the fence impatiently. 

He's a good boy! (Flint)

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