Wednesday 12 April 2023

Flint's First Ride in the Bush


Perhaps I should pre-empt all my posts about Flint this way although then you might think I was biased or that 'love is blind' or something. Today I was reading Warwick Schiller's book, "The Principles of Training" and he says a lot of good things that are important in establishing a bond with your horse esp when you are training them. One important thing I read today is, 

"Horses are highly aware of their surroundings and even, more importantly, our energy.... The only thing we should be focusing on is the information our horse is conveying to us in the present moment.... The stories we tell ourselves about our horses and their actions directly affect our attitudes, which in turn creates a physical change within our bodies."

I took Flint over to the hitching post and he stood there while I brushed him and saddled him up. He didn't fidget and he showed me that he was listening to me. The other horse going on the ride had not appreciated Flint's arrival so we had kept them separated over the past month. Today we were going to check to make sure they would ride well together.

Flint was unperturbed by Trooper's presence and even when Trooper walked past, Flint did not react. More importantly, Trooper did not show any animosity towards Flint, so I mounted Flint and waited while Lynne got on Trooper. As we walked past the sheds, Flint flinched but I gave him a pat and reassured him that he was doing well. We headed downhill, out the 'driveway' and into the bush. 

Lynne and Trooper went to the right of a track under a low branch and I hesitated mentally calculating whether we would be able to duck under it. Flint 'read my mind' and walked around it, finding a better place for us to go and join them. We walked behind them and sometimes alongside them and it was a lovely walk. A car zoomed past and Flint showed no interest in it.

At one stage, Lynne suggested we test out their ability to stop and stand still and I pulled back on the reins and released and Flint stood there. Later on, Lynne pulled out her phone to take a photo of Flint and I and we waited patiently. Trooper fidgeted a bit and Lynne asked him to take a note from the 'younger one' who was behaving flawlessly. At one point, I turned Flint around and then back while Lynne got Trooper into position. Once the photos had been taken, we headed back up the track towards home.

  • Flint didn't rush going up the hill or even rush going home. He stayed at a steady pace.
  • Although we were riding behind Lynne and Trooper, I knew his focus/attention was on me and he responded to my lead.
  • I felt that if we had have been on our own, he still would have done well on the ride.

After the ride was over, I asked Lynne if she was surprised at how well Flint had done. She said that she had wondered how well Flint and I would go together but she was impressed. She also commented about how happy I was and I was. I am very happy with Flint and so pleased with the bond he and I have. I am looking forward to future rides with Flint.

In some ways, it was like a successful internet dating relationship. We 'met' online, saw photos and SSR&E swapped information with me and decided we would make a good match. The time came for Flint and I to meet in real-life and my 1st response was, "Wow!" and today was no different.

I was so happy I decided to celebrate and brought myself a pink flannel shirt from the horse centre. Flint's new pink knotted rope halter arrived today so that will be his gift for being so good on our first ride together.

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