Friday 14 April 2023

An Unexpected Occurrence

 Getting ready for a ride this morning, I put on my new pink flannel shirt and checked the weather. I was going to record the ride - either livestream it or add a video clip to upload here. When I arrived at Lynne's, I headed up the back paddock and helped her get the fence up to prevent the horses from getting into the blackberry bushes and/or the neighbour's yard to freedom. When that was done, we went to get our horses. Flint was peacefully grazing on the green grass but he accepted the carrot offered after I'd put the halter and lead on him.

I stopped by the water trough and he lowered his head and sucked it up for quite some time. When he lifted his head, water splashed out of his mouth, spraying in different directions and fortunately I got out of the way before it splashed on me. He stood still while I put his saddle on and tightened the girth using a girth-eze. Once I had his bridle on, I walked him over to the mounting block and mounted. We waited while Lynne mounted Trooper and we rode off. The sun was shining, there were blue clouds in the sky and no wind. As Lynne had said earlier, "The day was too lovely to waste!" 

We rode along the soft ground and headed back to the same place we had ridden the other day. The sand was soft and butterflies flitted about. Lynne's horse started pacing as we went downhill, so she took him aside to zig-zag/walk his way down but when Flint was in front, he was uncertain as to what what happening, so Lynne and Trooper took the lead again. 

Suddenly Trooper stomped his back foot and we assumed he had tripped but then he stamped again. Flint started stamping and swishing his tail frantically as well. I rode up next to Lynne but couldn't see any botflies or other flying insects around the back legs. We continued a bit further but the stamping and swishing didn't cease so we turned our horses around to head back for home. The horses remained unsettled so we decided to dismount.

Lynne went first but due to health reasons was unable to get off Trooper without having something to dismount on to.  On her attempt, she did notice a biting bug. The same bug type had attached itself to her hand yesterday when she'd been getting some hay. The bite had been bad and Lynne described it as worse than a bite from a bull-ant.

Flint was still stomping and swishing around and I wondered how I would dismount him. I asked him to "stand", gave him a pat and took my feet out of the stirrups and he stopped stomping and swishing! I got off quickly (much to my delight!) and once my feet hit the ground, I reassured him and began leading him back home. He still stomped and swished a bit and at times, he'd turn his head towards me and I'd give him another pat and tell him he was doing great.

Once back, Lynne and I debriefed about the ride and she commented that other horses would have unloaded their riders. She was impressed that neither horse had panicked. Despite being young, Flint proved he had the characteristics of his name meaning: courageous, strength, durability - like a rock. Even when being bitten by menacing bugs, Flint was determined to take care of me.

I know that Flint has a fault or 2 but I am yet to figure those out. In the meantime, once again I have learned a bit more about Flint and my confidence in (riding) him has continued to grow.

On another note: I didn't get a photo of me wearing my new shirt while riding Flint nor did I get a video clip of the scenery/ride.

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