Thursday 2 January 2020

Being Kind Demonstrates Strength

Recently, when I expressed disappointment in the way a business conducted their salesmanship, someone said, "Welcome to the real world". Its condescending tone and assumption that I am so naive, makes me wonder where people believe I have been for most of my life! Unfortunately however, I have been in circumstances where people's selfish ambition have blinded their eyes to truth and they have made decisions that lack integrity and negatively impact others around them.

The Bible is clear: "Do nothing out of selfish ambition or vain conceit. Rather, in humility, consider others better than yourselves." Phil. 2:3

I have seen the effect someone's selfish ambition can have and has had, even on me. I have debated what my response should be and my first instincts are to want revenge. I work out potential conversations in my head, write up scathing emails that will never be sent and get angry that they succeed despite their selfishness. I know that the rain falls on the just and unjust. I know that theirs is a hollow achievement but yes, it is totally unfair and it hurts.

Selfishness and rudeness are not 'the real world' although they can be found in the real world. Right now, there are raging bushfires wreaking their destructive flames through the country and people are responding with kindness and assistance. They are sending truckloads of hay, donating goods, furniture, clothing, and doing what they can to help. I have friends who have gone to the frontline to give their help. 

Recently my 19 year old nephew passed away and what came through loud and clear was his commitment to love and serve God and others, to do what he could to help others. He was involved in Red Frogs even before he had graduated high school and therefore, before he had been to schoolies week. His friends and leaders could count on him to be there when they needed him and he had also been on a missions trip to Thailand. He often said, "Don't sweat the small stuff."

Today I listened to a podcast for teachers on the issue of how to respond when colleagues gossip, spread unfounded rumours, lie about others and try to run others down. It happens and we have a choice on how we will respond or whether we will react. Personally, I try to respond with grace and kindness. Some will mistake that response with weakness but it takes a lot of effort, prayer and forgiveness (i.e. strength) and I don't always get it right.

Knowing when to stand up for oneself and when to walk away from a toxic situation can be confusing but you need to know your limits. It hurts whether you leave or stay. It hurts long after the dust has settled and at times, behind your smile, is the dwindling memory that you were betrayed by people you loved and trusted. In the end, whatever decision you make, you need to put it behind you and move forward. Don't let bitterness eat you up. Protect yourself, learn from it, put in good boundaries and continue to show kindness and love.

She is clothed with strength and dignity;
    she can laugh at the days to come.

Prov. 31:25

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